From the flutterwireless website, right near the top:
"* Flutter shipments have begun, but new orders do not ship right away. Please see Delivery Information for details."
Following the 'Delivery Information' link from the above line, we find:
"Flutter began shipping in May, 2015 when the first 1000 Flutter Basic boards shipped out to Kickstarter backers. As of May we still have 3000 more boards to deliver to Kickstarter backers, and are using pre-orders to fund the purchase of parts for new production.
We will be doing production runs in large batches over the coming months to get caught up with deliveries, but orders placed now may not ship for several months. Orders ship globally from our manufacturing partner in Shenzhen, China. We are also working on adding distributors who can ship from stock.
By ordering, you agree to allow us to charge your card now for delivery in a few months. If at any point you would like a refund, we would be happy to facilitate that. Simply send us an e-mail to with "Refund Request" in the title and we will get you sorted out. PLEASE DO NOT cancel charges via your credit card provider or we will be hit with large fees. Than you so much for your support!"
Now, I agree that this probably should have been updated since May. I also agree that is clearly states it is okay to get a refund if you so desire, but it also DEFINITELY states that you should expect several months for ship time. From what I've seen in Taylor's posts, this has negatively effected his life more then makes me comfortable already, and any premature refund requests on the part of his 'supporters' will only serve to make things even more difficult for him. I'd like my products just as much as the next guy (possibly more... I might have purchased more of these then I'd like to admit) but let's not ruin a guy's life because we've gotten used to Amazon's shipping schedule. Taylor will get them out eventually I'm sure.
Oh, and he mentioned in his update: "Also, I know the password reset emails are not going out from our website, nor are the questions submitted via the web form. Looks like we have some issue with the email system there so I intend to look that over." So I'm assuming this effects your attempts to contact him.